
Archive for the ‘gardening’ Category

Happened to find this  in  a  file  that I   had  about the  Law.   Indeed,   I like to think of the  metaphor of  boomerangs.  ~  kmk

“I hold it true that thoughts are things;
They’re endowed with bodies and breath and wings;
And that we send them forth to fill
The world with good results, or ill.
That which we call our secret thought
Speeds forth to earth’s remotest spot,
Leaving its blessings or its woes
Like tracks behind it as it goes.
We build our future thought by thought,
For good or ill, yet know it not.
Yet, so the universe was wrought.
Thought is another name for fate;
Choose, then, thy destiny and wait,
For love brings love and hate brings hate.”

—Henry Van Dyke

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Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others,
even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

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Someone from  one of  my FB    Neville  groups  posted this and it is SO   cool, and   mind blowing,  and   REAL,  that if  everyone understood this  concept,  I   believe :

A. so  many  people would  start  having more FUN in their lives

2.   science would    no longer be thought of as  “boring”

3. people would start  KNOWING  how  powerful we  really are as   individuals….

4.  and last   but not least….    “new” worlds would  be  uncovered,  revealed,  embraced.   Rock  Solid  Gold  here!!!



“Here recently – when I say recently – 1949,
one of our great scientists discovered a certain principle
in physics, and these are his words, not my words,
but long before he discovered it and told it in this strange way,
I told him, to the criticism of those who heard what I was saying.

They said,

“The man is insane.”

I said, I can go in time into a state that is not yet realized,
and I can live in that state as though it were true,
and then I can return to this state that I have shut out for a moment,
and then, in a way that I do not know, I move forward
across a series of events leading up to the fulfillment of that state.

And a man in Milwaukee
– he was the head of this chemical department of a huge,
huge organization – Allis Chalmers.

He was their great physicist, where they sent in all kinds
of samples of water from all over the world for his analysis,
to explain why they were getting sediment on the huge,
big turbines that they were making.

And so, he analyzed the water and then sent back
his analysis of the water, because water picks up
the little sediments across the land that it flows over.

And so, if they bring certain things – well,
it cakes within the thing, so he tries to explain why.

So, when I said what I have just told you, he said,

“It can’t be done.

We have a law in science, which we call entropy.

Entropy is:

“you cannot change the past; that the past is unalterable.

Man is moving forward in time with an unalterable past.”

I said, “You can change the past.

Man can revise the past,
and change it as though it never happened.

The day will come,
everyone is going to change the entire past, and simply revise it.”

He said,

“It can’t be done.

I am a scientist.

I am the leader in my profession.”

Well, he was big enough to send me a copy of that which came
out in the Science Bulletin about two months after I left Milwaukee,
and this is what the scientists said – he had just been given
the Nobel Prize for what he wrote in 1949.

His name is Dr. Richard Feynman,
now Professor of Physics at Cal-Tech.

And in this magazine he wrote,
months after I told the story in Milwaukee, and he said,
discussing a little particle – an atomic particle known as a positron:

He said,

“The positron starts from where it hasn’t been,
and it moves to where it was a moment before;
arriving there, it is bounced so hard, its time sense is reversed,
and it moves back to where it hasn’t been.”

Now that is Professor Feynman of Cal-Tech.

I said, I go forward in time to where I have not yet visited physically,
and I simply enclose myself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

I haven’t yet realized it physically, but I go forward in
my mind’s eye, in my imagination, into the state,
and I talk with my friends from the wish fulfilled as though it were true.

Then I open my eyes and I am startled to find that
I am sitting in a chair where I was a moment before.

And what I have just done is denied by my senses,
but strangely enough, the whole vast world reshuffles
itself and forms a bridge of incidents, across which
I move to the fulfillment of that state where I have been.

So, he said,

“It starts from where it hasn’t been,
and it moves to where it was an instant ago.

Arriving there, it is bounced so hard that its time sense is reversed,
and then it travels back to where it hasn’t been.”

Well, I knew that mystically.

I am not a scientist.

I could not explain it.

The little positron does this as he described it back in 1949.

And for that, last year he was given the Nobel Prize.

They waited all these years to confirm it,
and it has been confirmed now photographically in all the
chambers that they could actually test, and the man was right.


But I had no little particle to prove it.

I only know what I did.

I simply would put myself in a state,
and I would see the world as I would see it if it were true.

I looked, and I saw it,
and my friends smiling with me because they were
happy that I achieved what I said I would achieve.

And so, they were smiling with me.
And then I opened my eyes, and my friends aren’t present.

I am back in my room, and it’s the same old room,
the same limitations, the same everything.

But then, in a way I did not know, this little bridge of incidents
was built, and I went forward to fulfill what I had done.

I went forward and I did what I wanted to do.

And then I started from where I had not been
physically, and sped back to where I was physically;
and then I was bounced – shocked – that it wasn’t true.

I was bounced so hard that I then turned around in my time
sense and moved back to fulfill where I had been in my imagination.

Now, the issue is October the 15th.

It’s called the Science Letter.

You can get it in the Library.

It’s by Richard Feynman – October the 15th, 1949.

And this happened to me in the month of
May in the City of Milwaukee.

And when it came out to him, because he subscribes
to the Science Letter, he sent it to me, and I got it some time
around December of that year; but I said it to him back in May
of that year. I didn’t get the Nobel Prize.

They would have called me mad – completely mad.”

Neville Goddard

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As   we  wait for  the days  til the  election is  ( finally )  over,  and  the seasons  change,   some days  resting in  a  Berry  poem  is  all we can do.

The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

— Wendell Berry

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This,  is   architectural  poetry.   love it.


http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/31250760/list/mysticism-and-meaning-meet-in-an-ohio-artists-gardens w=300

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Every day, I look out in the yard, and see the garden,  snow covered though it may be, and well,  Albert Camus said it best —

In the midst of winter I discovered within me, an invincible summer. – Camus

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A very thoughtful post from Heronswood Nursery, about sunflowers and linking it to Independence Day:


“And, oh, the sunflower’s large and happy face! Is this not the face of the American people? Bright, cheerful and full of wonder? See how it stands sturdy and tall, its flowering head a beacon of sunshine. Regard this radiant floral friend, aglow with American warmth and happiness.

Ladies and Gentleman, on this day of national celebration, let us all salute the sunflower, the Great American Flower. Let us give praise to this native species that gives us so much beauty, happiness and practical benefit. This land is your land. This flower is your flower.”   ~George Ball

July 4th has a special significance for me now, as it was the day my mother died, 4 years ago. She so loved this holiday. And as it turns out, she came to love the sunflowers I was growing in the yard, that were visible from her window as she was becoming more confined and ill. She watched them, day by day, as they grew, and as they kept their happy faces to the sun. She was sad with me when a wild storm blew through and severed the large sunflower stalk that was growing closest to her window. At her funeral, a friend sent a lovely floral arrangement with a big fat sunflower head in it.  I almost fell over – coincidence? My friend did not direct the florist who made that arrangment.

This year, I decided to take a break from growing sunflowers, as my one bed is fuller than last year, and I don’t quite know where to put them. But, after reading this essay about the joyous sunflower, how can I now refrain ? How can I let myself NOT be a food source to the birds and squirrels who the seeds will feed in the fall? How can I let the memory of my mother live on in a beauty way?

Into the garden I go, right now, hoping they will still grow with this cooler weather and with this late planting.

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